The glistening possible . . .

It's a cloudy, cold and windy Tew's day here in TulseyTown . . .we may get to view the full “Crow” or “Worm” Moon tonight rising after 9 p.m. Meanstwhilst, the mailbox is full of poetry . . .

Today is the 150th anniversary of Robert Frost's birth. The poet, and 4 time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize, was born on this date in 1874 San Francisco

It's Joseph Campbell's birth date. The author of “A Hero's Journey” was born today in 1904, New York City.

One of the leading poets of the Beat movement, Gregory Corso, was born on this day in 1930, also in New York City.

The poet and classical scholar A.E. (Alfred Edward) Housman was born on this date in 1859 Fockbury, Worcestershire, England.

And, Tennessee Williams was born today in 1911 Columbus, Mississippi

“Poetry gives us resonance more than logical proof, and resonance is much more healing and integrating. It resounds inside of you. It evokes and calls forth a deeper self.” –Richard Rohr

Being a successful poet is a lot like being a successful mushroom. – Richard Howard. If anything deserves to be famous, it's mushrooms – how necessary they are to life on earth. If someone gave me the choice to be famous or necessary, I'd pick necessary. I want to be like oxygen, denim, or salt. Or mushrooms. – Adrian Matejka, “Editor's Note,” Poetry, April 2024.

As we approach the Easter celebrations of renewal, thoughts turn to hope.


No one can explain it. The strange charm.

Has an electron never refused
the invitation to change direction,
sent in no knowable envelope, with no knowable ring?

… a single un-green electron
waits the width of a world for some weightless message
sent into the din of existence for it alone.

You are there. I am here. I remember.

– Jane Hirshfield, “Entanglement,” The Beauty (Knopf, 2015).


Blowin' in the Wind . . .


Minding the store . . .