Minding the store . . .

Truly a Moon Day . . . full as of 2 a.m. this morning in Okieland where the Spring roller-coaster continues to roll more than coast . . .

In the mailbox this morning, a follow-up on yesterdays blog re: Possible impossibilities (and flipping its head): Love Anyway, from Maria Popova's Marginalian, 3/24/2024

The environment in which kids grow up today is hostile to human development. – Jonathan Haidt, in The Atlantic, 03/2024.

Birthdays today:

Gloria Steinem is 90 years old today. The journalist and social-political activist was born on this day in 1934, Toledo,Ohio

Today in 1306, on a birthday of a different sort, Robert the Bruce, was crowned Scottish king at Scone, freeing Scotland from English rule. He went on to win the decisive Battle of Bannockburn (1314) and confirming Scottish independence in the Treaty of Northampton (1328).

Speaking of England, Elton John is celebrating his 77th. The EGOT winner was born today in 1947 Pinner, Middlesex, England.

And speaking of music, Composer Béla Bartók was born 143 years ago on this date in 1881, Nagyszentmiklós, Hungary, Austria-Hungary now Sânnicolau Mare, Romania

And you can tell everybody this is your song.
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind

that I put down in words
how wonderful life is while you're in the world
– Elton John


The glistening possible . . .


Impossible possibilities . . .