The Western world's mind-set of consumerism rooted in lack breeds feelings of fear and unworthiness coloring our daily experience. Breaking into a space of freedom and curiosity, if even for just a few minutes, is the goal of the daily blog and the ongoing evolution of this site.

Your intrepid editor is James Allen Bethel. There's a 20+ year history of university teaching and research, as well as gigs in broadcast journalism and theatre. Somewhere, someone once wagged: PhD stands for “piled higher and deeper.” These days, I’m appreciative of that experience which has become more truly informative and less constraining.

​There are essays and poems, some of which will make their way into the blog space. There are a couple of screenplays making the rounds of what I sense are black holes in the cultural universe. A collection of poems -- "Unless Rain" -- is to be published by Cervena Barva Press, Somerville, MA, More info to come.

This website and its blog are dedicated to expanding consciousness individually and globally as they are manifestly interconnected. Because of that dedication, much of the material here is re-sourced (flotsam and jetsam) from the ethereal Watercourse Way that reinvents itself continually. Thus, ​the site will be in constant evolution. So . . .  consider this a sincere invitation to you to subscribe so that I can send you a note when updates occur.