Every time you enjoyed something I posted: send a comment. And if you want to turn that gesture into more support,you can do that in 2 ways:

A one-time or recurring fist-bump via PayPal. Great for when you believe in this work and helps me budget for this shiny website and want to support the long-term growth of the Mailbox on Watercourse Way community.

Reality check. I'm going to keep writing even if I never get a dime for it because silence doesn't seem to work in the ethernet. And I'll never put up a paywall, Conversations are for everyone, and equality of access is too important.

So if you feel like The Mailbox on Watercourse Way is worth the cost of a latte or a case of Pinot Noir do consider supporting this endeavor. We are all interconnected and some anonymous reader will be thankful they found this site. I hope you did.