Blowin' in the Wind . . .

It's Freya's day … a beautiful Spring day in OkieLand, with really strong Southerlies ahead of late Easter storms.

… and, speaking of Easter, today is “Good Friday” in the Western Christian tradition. Why Freya’s day? Who knows…

Today in 1973, American troops evacuated Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) as the United States ended its involvement in the Vietnam War. And, in 1974, farmers drilling a well near Xi'an, China, found a subterranean chamber that led to the discovery of the terra-cotta army, 8,000 life-size terra-cotta soldiers and horses in the tomb of China’s first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang.

After being burned by religion . . .the violent and vengeful world we live in has been legitimized by religion. – Matthias Roberts, Holy Runaways: Rediscovering Faith after Being Burned by Religion. Minneapolis, MN: Broadleaf Books, 2023 writing in Meditations: A Painful Pattern, 3.24.2024

The word profane comes from the Latin words pro (“in front of”) and fanum (“temple”) . . . Without a nature-based spirituality, it is a profane universe we occupy, bereft of Spirit. We keep building shrines and churches to capture and hold the domesticated and tamed God-in-a box. Soon we don't know where to look for the divine, making [Creation's] presence so limited. We become like fish swimming around looking for water, arguing about who owns the water we're searching for. Hardly a “victorious” theology. – Fr. Richard Rohr

One who is devoted to helping others, is firmly rooted in the traditions of their society. They do not feel obligated to follow those traditions. They are not afraid to take a new step, but the reason they can step out of the tradition is because they know it so well. First we must step into tradition to understand it fully. We must understand what wisdom, if any, lies behind the dogma. Then we can step out of it, not necessarily safely, but sanely. – Chögyam Trungpa (adapted), in The Myth of Freedom, Shambhala, 2002.

What you wish for will have positive, as well as negative consequences

way beyond your imagination with future effects

rippling into an infinity without erasing anything in the past.


Just making it all up . . .


The glistening possible . . .