Just making it all up . . .

It's the Satyr's day …

and it's the birthday of Vincent van Gogh, born in 1853 Zundert, Holland.

Several others share today's date:

Warren Beatty turns 87 today. He was born in 1937 Richmond, Virginia

The English song writer, singer and master guitar player Eric Clapton is 79 today, born 1945, Ripley, Surrey, England

Céline Dion was born on this day in 1968, Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada. The popular culture diva/singer (and apparently pilot) is celebrating her 56 th.

Another solo artist sharing today's date of birth is singer Norah Jones who is 45 today, born 1979, New York City.

"I have a terrible need of — shall I say the word — religion. Then I go out and paint the stars." – Vincent van Gogh

We need better metaphors: e.g. The cell is not a factory; the mind is not a mess; the future is not dark (nor dim, nor light); you can't get to hell in a handbasket. Organized Christianity is not the only, nor necessarily the best, metaphor to lead us into enlightenment.

Religious or not, we do not know what we are doing.

We are beings, just being. The rest we make up.

Remember the plants, trees, animal life

who all have their tribes, their families,

their histories, too. Talk to them,

listen to them. They are alive poems. – Joy Harjo


Holy scapegoats . . .


Blowin' in the Wind . . .