Sunday Brunch

It's Sol's day . . . and here in TulseyTown she is hiding behind welcome rain clouds.

Traveling the Watercourse Way with Pico Iyer.

When we look into ourselves, we find that there is something beyond our insecurities. There is something else, something more. We are willing: willing to wait, willing to smile, willing to be decent. We shouldn’t discount that potential, that powerful seed of gentleness. – Chögyam Trungpa, “The Bodhisattva Vow” in The Heart of the Buddha: Entering the Tibetan Buddhist Path, Shambhala, 2010.

The left is not “Godless” any more than is Buddhism. Lefties, like Buddhists, believe – they just don't blame a deity for the evil, stupid mistakes we humans make.

Enlightenment is spontaneous. It happens when you encounter it, whether it takes years of meditation on a vegetarian diet or stepping on a bee in the grass. It is the part of your journey over which you have no control. (pause, pause) Try this take by Deb Ponemon from yesterday.

Sunday Brunch

One’s opinion doesn’t change the rain one whit.

Like the chips from that anonymous knife

They fall where they may, serve where they lay.

I put myself into the world

and if I say of then “nothing happens”

my voice betrays expectations:

slim hips, caring eyes, small delicate hands

not afraid of taking a firm grip on the world

or of wiping from across the table

the omelet cheese residue

at the corner of my ignorant mouth.

Pretending I can teach strength

by employing the world’s knowledge

has become a bore and a disaster.

How many times can I write “I” at a lead-line

before realizing Narcissus has failed me?

Cut from willow,

I am become jealous of rain.

JAB – sometime in the Spring, 1997


Princesses, bears and oh my . . .


Daryingly daring . . .