Daryingly daring . . .

It's a Satyr's day … a much cooler next two days with welcome rain forecasted for Okieland … Long pants and sleeves to start the day.

The cloud cover may obscure the annual Perseids meteor shower which is peaking this weekend. Forecasts indicate breaks in the cloudy cover tonight and Sunday night between rains, so there might be a chance for a quick peek.

Vietnam is helping the Watercourse build new islands in the South China seas for political and military alternatives to Chinese efforts.

Fifty years ago yesterday, Richard Nixon resigned the Presidency amid the Watergate scandal. If you weren't there, or have forgotten the history, Heather Cox Richardson updated us.

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn. – Gore Vidal

Some often get this advice backwards to their chagrin and disadvantage. Many start with just not giving a damn without thinking about what they're saying, let alone while pretending at being somebody other than who they really are.

The town of Gore, Oklahoma – 72 miles Southeast from where I sit in TulseyTown – was named after Vidal's grandfather, U.S. Senator Thomas Gore. No doubt Vidal spent some of his youth visiting there, so I claim him as a homey. A prolific writer/social critic (among many talents), Gore Vidal one said “... why would anyone want to become a U.S. Senator when you could go into business and buy one.” A decent documentary of the life/times of Gore Vidal, produced for PBS' American Masters, is on Youtube.

I believe in all that has never yet been spoken.

I want to free what waits within me

so that what no one has dared to wish for

may for once spring clear without my contriving. – Rilke


Sunday Brunch


Florida swampland for sale. . .