Florida swampland for sale. . .

Its Freya's day . . . Northerlies are cooling TulseyTown givings us time to begin breaking up the log jams in the flotsam and jetsam.

Project 2025 is a wrap. It’s locked, loaded, and ready to go. If you believe it’s about to disappear or that Trump won’t use any of it, I have some swampland in Florida for you. – Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse.

Republicans seem to be imploding. For years, people have noted that the party seemed to be painting itself into a corner, but it’s very odd to watch it now seem to be trapped. – Heather Cox Richardson, Letters from an American.

. . . the present is everything as it holds the eternally new question of life for us. Now everything depends on what is expected of us. As to what awaits us in the future, we don’t need to know that any more than we are able to know it. – Viktor Frankl


Daryingly daring . . .


Crashing into trees . . .