Princesses, bears and oh my . . .

It's the Moon's day . . . After overnight thunderstorms the heat-hammer returns with the sun late this afternoon to TulseyTown.

Poetry reminds us of what we didn't know we knew. Echoes from ancient canyons.

On today's date, the classics scholar Edith Hamilton (Mythology) was born in 1867 Dresden, Germany. While the wiki article is a decent thumbnail sketch, the article in the Antigone Journal is more revealing of Hamilton's world view and impact.

While on the trail of myths . . .

The author of "The Story of the Three Bears,” Robert Southey was born on this date in 1774 Bristol England. Years after the original publication (1837) other unknowns substituted “Goldilocks” in place of Southey's original old woman.

One of my high school homies, Elvin Bishop (“Fooled Around and Fell In Love”), recently demonstrated he's still got blues chops (and my kind of attitude) in a posted session with Los Lobos.

The film producer/director Cecil B. DeMille. was born today in 1881, Ashfield, Massachusetts.

And,its the birth date of Erwin Schrödinger. The theoretical physicist was born in 1887, Vienna, Austria. Lest we forget (good luck with this one): Schrodinger's Cat.

Historic calendars note inventors and inventions on today's date. Among them: In1851, the Singer sewing machine was patented; and in 1877, Edison made perhaps his most original discovery, the phonograph. Check out his notes preserved by the National Park Service. Both of these events have made contributions across time to the creation of myths in design and musical story/myth making.

“How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us. ― Rainer Maria Rilke, from Letters to a Young Poet


What I've learned from Ken Burns: Everyone is an opportunist if they have the opportunity –Katherine Hepburn

Poems are the stories we tell

for all those who have no way to tell them.

While it remains true none can step

into the same river twice nonetheless

the circle will always be unbroken.

– jab 8.13.23


Egg frying on the sidewalk . . .


Sunday Brunch