Egg frying on the sidewalk . . .

It's Tew's day . . .

It's no longer “can we save nature?” It's can we allow nature to save us.

“We're toast.” Pinpointing the point of no return from climate/earth warming.

Our brains are melting. . . as the climate changes, so do we. – Clayton Page Aldern

Our fates are tied. We have this strange notion on this planet that our fates are not tied. If it were not so we would not be here together. It’s that simple. – Luisah Teish

Can you remain open for the unknown future to fill up your life with Creation's gifts of yet-to-come surprises? When we are fully present, we may find and enter the great space of awareness. However, it takes practice to come to know this space and to enter it willfully. Within this space we can find a different relationship to loss, pain, and trauma, allowing such emotions to dissipate and release themselves in that expanded space of awareness. – Grace Schireson

Remembering Rachel Carson. Amanda Palmer reads husband Neil Gaiman's poem “After Silence.”

How Hot Is It?

Even the night-birds

have gone


– jab


Giants are “Big”…really


Princesses, bears and oh my . . .