Paint with your ears . . .

It's a soggy Satyr's Day in OkieLand.

The mailbox opens with a celebration of Gertrude Stein. The novelist and poet was born 150 years ago today in 1874 Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Her avant guarde sencretic perspective still resonates with a demanded, conscious, ongoing break with the past, embracing the ever-present.

‘Belief without knowledge’ is easily adopted by mass audiences, most of whom have little critical thinking skills. This fact has been with us now for some 2300 years.

“Peak Anthropocene,” Gongsheng, and the philosophic and political recognition of the interconnectedness of the animate everything including Ivan Illich.

Eden is not humanity’s future, but its deep, organic, mythic past. – Jennifer Banks

Waves in The Way of the oceans of the world never repeat themselves. Unlike those waves, movements that overthrow repressive regimes have not always replaced them with something better. In fact, unless a restorative consciousness is engaged, revolutions run the risk of merely turning the tables, replacing one set of broken relationships with yet more domination, perhaps a slightly less oppressive form of domination, but domination, nonetheless. It doesn't have to be that way. – Gareth Higgins, writing for The Center for Action and Meditation.

A writer should write with his eyes and a painter paint with his ears. – Gertrude Stein


An Rx of self-help honey . . .


Atlas remembers . . .