An Rx of self-help honey . . .

The Moon Day in TulseyTown is a clear, sunny day headed for a new Moon four nights ahead . . .

Glad you’re here! Otherwise, I’d just be writing this blog for myself.

Today is the birthdate of William S. Burroughs. Among the founding members of the “beat generation, the author was born on this date in 1914 St. Louis, Missouri

Do we really need the world to be anything other than what it is? No.

Do we really need the world to be anything other than what it is? Yes.

Holding polarities is the consequence of true equanimity.

If you cringe at your former self, that’s good—it means you’ve grown. Never stop cringing. And, keep in mind, it’s impossible to be a life-changing presence to some without also being a complete joke to others. – Mark Mason

The only way to navigate The Way successfully is by embracing one's vulnerability. Vulnerability is the underlying, ever present and abiding undercurrent of our natural state. – David Whyte, On Being conversation with Krista Tippett posed by Maria Popova online at The Marginalian.

Suffering is an immediate consequence in the moment when we forget our belonging to one another...the realness of our connectedness. And that includes our belonging to our own being, to our own body, to the earth body. – Tara Brach, in Radical Acceptance, Bantam; Reprint edition, 2004.


The singularity of One Love . . .


Paint with your ears . . .