Atlas remembers . . .

In Freya's mailbox a reminder: Today is Groundhog Day. Regardless of Punxsutawney Phil's notoriously unreliable predictions, St. Bridges' celebrations of the coming Spring are underway and there are buds this morning on my Silver Maple tree.

Good news from Quinnipiac: Biden is now leading Trump and the GOP bashing of Taylor Swift is backfiring like a Canadian forest fire.

James Joyce's birthday is being celebrated today. The author of Ulysses was born on this date in 1882 Rathgar, Ireland, just outside Dublin.

Today is also the birth date anniversary of Ayn Rand. The novelist and philosopher was born in 1905 St. Petersburg, Russia.

Yesterday, the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it reentered the atmosphere over Texas and Louisiana, killing all seven astronauts on board. It was the second Space Shuttle mission to end in disaster,

The Watercourse also forms the border between the U.S. and Mexico. It, like The Way, flows in only one direction. But red-state followers since Reagan insist on swimming against its stream because it keeps the anxiety and fear quotient high for political rhetoric points. An excellent summary by Joyce Vance in Civil Discourse (online) was in the mailbox this morning.

When more people are watching the Hallmark Channel than CNN, you know we’ve reached a new level of interpersonal isolation. – Danyel Smith

There is meaning in a free-standing life. – Garrison Keillor

“Life is too short to read a bad book.” ― James Joyce


Paint with your ears . . .


Splitting the Solstice