Happiness and the desires of the Moon . . .

It's Thor's day … and his thunder is forecasted to be experienced today through Monday here in TulseyTown.

If we are to be visionaries for the future, we need to learn how to live fully in the present. Poetry, indeed all the arts, is what they do for us – each “presences” us more and more.

Night before last, the Academy of American Poets produced a fabulous celebration to end National Poetry Month, titled Poetry and the Creative Mind. 18 poets, actors, and laureates shared favorite poems. The list included Meryl Streep, Paul Giamatti, J.D. Vance, Sterlin Harjo and Joy Harjo among them. Here's a link to the event program, poets, and their poems posted yesterday by the Academy.

Herewith: a most worthwhile description of expanded states of consciousness by Deepak Chopra unifying “reality.” In my jargon: the ego is a construct of Yang, preoccupied with control by way of a languaged duality, and while nothing more than a mote in a sunbeam thinks itself the sun. Fearful of the moon and anything it cannot see. Yin, while largely silent and equipped with extremely powerful non-verbal receptors, may use language to discern the desires of the moon in order to unify the sky with the earth – think the three witches in Shakespeare's play, the name of which is not to be spoken in the holy theatre except by designated actors.

So Much Happiness

Since there is no place large enough
to contain so much happiness,
you shrug, you raise your hands, and it flows out of you
into everything you touch.

Naomi Shihab Nye, from Words Under the Words: Selected Poems, Far Corner Books, 1995


We have not always been the world


Wax on, wax off ...