We have not always been the world

It's Freya's day . . . more rain, more rain, here in Okieland, where some old-timers call some downpours “frog-stranglers.”

Joyce Vance is calling attention to our frog-like circumstances . . .

After decades of “giggles” from uninformed critics, NASA has thrown the gauntlet and has opened the door into astrobiology in a big way. The search for alien life is no longer a joke, having reached the status of serious science.

What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world. – J. Krishnamurti

We can begin transformation in any moment. Conscious transformation looks like love and is non-dual. Duality impedes.

Don't miss Art Happens Here With John Lithgow, a one-hour PBS special

Summarizing the full truth about the Covid vaccines.

Yesterday, Heather Cox Richardson provided context for the campus protest movement currently underway.

Commercial Art

Business – it is said Ms. Dickinson said –

is not the business of poets. So true dat

that the trustees of Amherst

and the fellows of Harvard

not to omit its President

and the Belknap Press of same

has seen fit to copyright

no less than five times the volume

of her collected works

to which

she never

gave a name.

– jb


The untethered boat . . .


Happiness and the desires of the Moon . . .