Wax on, wax off ...

It's Odin's day and in the Celt traditions it is Beltane, midway between the Spring equinox and Summer solstice. While many celebrate “May Day” with its promise of flowers, it is also another moment of transition that can insist on our attention.

Many claim to have found God in the mountains. I don’t know what God is, but I admit to having sought her there too. Whatever my search, I have found that the pursuit of scientific inquiry — its own, necessarily limited kind of truth-seeking — can be as much an act of devotion as it is scholarly meditation. – Richard J. Nevle, in The Marginalian, 4/28/24.

The greening of greed: Power: Nuclear, wind, solar, political … Germany struggles for a vision for all of us …

The muddy mirror: It's all the media's fault. A “must read,” IMO.

Maybe the problem is all of us. And the solution, then, is also all of us. – Soren


They jumped through the fire, it is said.

… My blood is seas of space, handfuls of moon,

from the fires of my grandmother’s mother.

… This time, I jump through the fire alone.

I do not wed a man, I wed a place. Surface

through the smoke, mountain-born, naked

as a star. Finally whole.

– Sophie Strand, “Beltane” posted on her substack: Spring Poems, 4/28/24.

There is no promise of happy endings. Rather, on our journey on The Way this “I” who wants to find security—who wants something to hold on to—will finally learn to grow up. – Pema Chödrön


Happiness and the desires of the Moon . . .


No time to build fences . . .