Always On The Way . . .

It's Thor's day . . . after a major rainshower yesterday morning, TulseyTown is cooling down a bit . . .

… the dawn light argues with stoicism and you see the beauty of the ordinary. — Garrison Keillor.

Today is the birthday of Helen Keller. The author and educator was born in 1880 Tuscumbia, Alabama

And poet Frank O'Hara was born 99 years ago today in 1925 Baltimore, Maryland.

Tuesday in 1876 George Armstrong Custer made his last stand with the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

Heather Cox Richardson's Letters from an American is reminding us that the “cowboy myth” has aways been a myth – harmful one at that and nowhere more so than in Texas.

Why do so many Americans support a neofascist? The Coffee Klatch with Heather Lofthouse and Robert Reich from April, 2024.

76% of Americans and 81% of Republicans know “nothing” about Project 2025, yet you would be impacted, personally, not just in a theoretical sense. This is important. Enough so that I'll be following Joyce Vance's posts regarding Project 2025 with repost links.

Regarding this journey we are on . . .

The Road to Santiago

For the road to Santiago

don't make new declarations

about what to bring

and what to leave behind.

Bring what you have.

You were always going

that way anyway,

you were always

going there all along.

David Whyte, from 'The Road to Santiago' from Still Possible


The Way has its way to your house . . .


Plants are smarter than we are . . .