Plants are smarter than we are . . .

It's Tew's day . . . and the heat indices are headed for 108º this afternoon here in TulseyTown...

The danger is that if we invest too much in developing AI and too little in developing human consciousness, the very sophisticated artificial intelligence of computers might only serve to empower the natural stupidity of humans. – Yuval Harari

Buddha was more scientist than a “religious” teacher. He saw that the non-dual nature of reality was more transparent than material. Most of our physicists are now insisting that 95-99% of the universe is composed of what they call “dark matter.” The term “dark” means they can't find a term that describes what they don't understand, and the term “matter” reveals their hypnotic addiction to the duality of substances – particularity, if you will. The universe is neither dark nor matter. It is neither dark nor light. It is transparent.

Attachment masquerades as (or pretends to be) love / Pity masquerades as compassion / Indifference masquerades as equanimity. – Jack Kornfield

Equanimity means we allow all things into our consciousness, both those things we first perceive as being bad and those we perceive as being good, without judging immediately which they might be. Suspended judgment is the embrace and even celebration of the “is-ness” of the moment.

Plants have minds. They process information, interact with and communicate with miscellia, insects, birds, light and water ... and move intentionally. Much of science remains “soul blind.”– Rachael Petersen MDiv in Aeon.

The tragedy of our times is the tragedy of Lear, ‘we would rather murder the world than permit it to expose us to change.’ – Stanley Cavell, The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 1982.


Always On The Way . . .


Connecting the dots…