The Way has its way to your house . . .

It's Freya's day . . . and she knows where you live. If you live in TulseyTown, the heat-hammer index is forecast at 113º this afternoon.

Riding The Way of a historic heptathlon win at the NCAA Championships Pippi Lotta Enok, now has the Olympics on her horizon. Pippi is one of my Univ. of Oklahoma's latests schoolfellows.

In contrast, there's lots of flotsam and jetsam in the aftermath of President Biden's apparent attempt to swim against the flow. As an event, the “debate” with Trump turned out to be – how do they say it in the D.C. trenches? – a “nothing burger.” Doubling down on the metaphors: there's likely to be sharks in the water calling for Biden to step down from the Democratic nomination.

Speaking of the Watercourse . . .

While sea levels have risen, many islands haven’t shrunk. Most, in fact, have been stable. Some have even grown.

When we wall ourselves off from our negative feelings and emotions because they don’t feel spiritual, we’re missing out on the richest teachings Zen has to offer. Zen teaches us that enlightenment includes our broken places. Still, opening ourselves up to our broken places is difficult practice. --Tim Burkett, Enlightenment Is an Accident: Ancient Wisdom and Simple Practices to Make You Accident Prone, Shambhala, 2023.

. . . grief isn’t something from which to run. It’s a liminal space, a time of transformation. – Richard Rohr

The House of Belonging.

This is the bright home
in which I live,
this is where
I ask
my friends
to come,
this is where I want
to love all the things
it has taken me so long
to learn to love.

This is the temple
of my adult aloneness
and I belong
to that aloneness
as I belong to my life.

There is no house
like the house of belonging.

– David Whyte

(video and audio of complete text)

(book at Whyte's site)


Grin and bare it . . .


Always On The Way . . .