Real woo-woo

It's Thor's day … another “hot town, summer in the city” day in TulseyTown . . .

If an experience is delightful or pleasant, usually we want to grab it and make it last. We may not be inclined to share it. The teachings, however, encourage us, if we enjoy what we are experiencing, to think of other people and wish for them to feel that. Share the wealth. Be generous with your joy. Give away what you most want. Be generous with your insights and delights. Instead of fearing that they're going to slip away and holding on to them, share them. – Pema Chödrön, The Compassion Book: Teachings for Awakening the Heart, Shambhala, 2017.

Suddenly, everyone seems to be asking about and talking about Project 2025. Joyce Vance (and yers trooley) think “That’s great, keep it up.” A reminder: re: Joyce

How the internet and capitalism ate Northern Virginia.

Work isn’t the be-all end-all that you were raised to think it was. Sure, it’s important to be working at something that speaks to you and brings you meaning, but it can dwarf other parts of you. There is more to you than you know. And if you find that a bit too “woo-woo” check out this essay from Maria Shriver posted on her Sunday Paper website. [P.S. Synchronicity at work: this has been happening to me over the past several days ahead of Ms. Shriver's posting.]

Synchronous Haiku

An absence of peace.

Today's voice-mail recording:

Don't quit practicing

— jab


Perfectly ordinary . . .


Beautiful dreaming . . .