Perfectly ordinary . . .

It's Freya's day . . . yet more heat for Okieland . . .

Henry David Thoreau was born 207 years ago today in 1817, Concord, Massachusetts. 78 years later and 30 miles from Walden Pond, Buckminster Fuller was born. The genius inventor of the geodesic dome was born in 1895, Milton, Massachusetts.

Garrison Keillor gets blunt about Trump.

If you or anyone you know is having difficulty imagining the death of American democracy, The Lincoln Project has imagined it for you. Watch it here. Here’s how it ends: “Ask yourself, what did you believe was impossible just eight years ago? … He’s counting on you to believe it won’t happen.” That’s an evergreen statement when it comes to Trump; whether it’s Project 2025 or anything else about his hoped-for second term in office, he is quite literally counting on Americans to believe it won’t happen. – Joyce Vance

Dr. Vance answers questions about the Supreme Court’s immunity opinion in Trump v. U.S.

Dismal as things appear, there are ways to navigate The Way. Drawing on the work of American thinker Ken Wilber, Father Richard describes three stages of transformation: Growing Up, Waking Up, and Cleaning Up.

Everything is unique and precious. You are, I am unique and precious. This instant moment is unique and precious.Think on this and be free from an effort to be different, stand out, and be impressive. Maintain an everyday mind, be an everyday being.The ordinary is perfect as it is. The future is in the hands of Creation. – Kazuaki Tanahashi

Bound for a distant shore

I am bound, I am bound, for a distant shore,
By a lonely isle, by a far Azore,
There it is, there it is, the treasure I seek,
On the barren sands of a desolate creek

– Henry David Thoreau


Ordinarily perfect . . .


Real woo-woo