Beautiful dreaming . . .

It's Odin's day . . . and the heat is returning to Okieland …

“Gods and human beings are the co-creators of dreams in the darkness of our mutual sleep.”

The author of In Search of Lost Time, Marcel Proust was born 153 years ago today in 1871 Auteuil, Paris, France.

Traditionally, it’s been thought that not only are sleep and waking opposites, but that they impose a kind of rift, a sharp distinction in time between conscious states, but recent empirical work supports the idea that consciousness takes many forms along a spectrum between sleep and waking.

We travel through our lives as “naive realists” assuming that our experiential reality is – well, real – stable. Our model of reality is, in philosophical terms, “transparent,” so convincing as to be invisible. In this sense, dreams aren’t so different from waking experience: They’re both illusions we take, falsely, to be the real world. – Claire L. Evans, in Noëma online, July 1, 2024.

“Being” is much better definition for what Western science and philosophy sometimes call “non-dual,” which Cynthia Bourgeault says is a “definition from negation.” Rather, for Ms. Bourgeault, “being” is the condition of knowledge impregnated by love. A “liberating re-orientation for our own age.” At the 24th Annual Festival of Faiths: Faith, Science and The Sacred Cosmos, 2015.

For more from Ms. Bourgeault, check out “The Beauty of Chaos” from an “audience with Cynthia Bourgeault” at the Aspen Chapel in February of this year.

Beautiful Dreamer


Real woo-woo


Smoke and mirrors