Enough Light

Monday, June 17, 2024  

It’s the Moon’s day … another hot one here in Southeast Kansas . . ;

Noteworthy:  The Watergate Scandal started today in 1972 when five burglars were found and arrested in the Democratic National Committee headquarters located in the Watergate complex of Washington, D.C.  The incident led to President Nixon’s resignation.  Heather Cox Richardson posted a recall on her blog: Letters from an American.   

Poet Ron Padgett turns 82 today. A hometown denizen of mine, Ron was born on this day in 1942, Tulsa,Oklahoma.  

                      Words from the Front

We don’t look as young

as we used to

except in the dim light … 

It’s enough 

to make you happy.

                      — Ron Padgett, from How to Be Perfect, Coffee House Press. 2007.



