Blackbird Speaks.

It's Satyr's day … Okieland will likely miss out tonight on the Full Buck/Thunder/Hay Moon, but might hear of its presence with thunderstorms overnight. The weatherfeather says we'll get another chance Sunday night.

Today is the birthday of novelist and screenwriter Cormac McCarthy. The author of “No Country for Old Men” and “All the Pretty Horses,” among many prize laureats, was born in 1933 Providence, Rhode Island.

And its the 105th annuversary of Sir Edmund Hillary' birth. The explorer who was the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest 71 years ago this past month, was born on this date in 1919, Auckland, New Zealand.

Remain open for the unknown future to fill up your life with Creation's gifts of yet-to-come surprises. When we are fully present, we may find and enter the great space of awareness. However, it takes practice to come to know this space and to enter it willfully. Within this space we can find a different relationship to loss, pain, and trauma, allowing such emotions to dissipate and release themselves in that expanded space of awareness. – Grace Schireson

Poet to Poet to Poet

after David Whyte

Don't name things too early. / Allow for the surprise that comes / with the step from this moment /

to the next arrival / you didn't see coming bringing / a wholly new you / into a world never before seen. /

There are no words here. / A silence deep as the sun is far / below the horizon, before first light /

without a hint of dawn's promise / until broken by the dove's love call.

8.1.2021 jab

Blackbird has Spoken


Finding a voice in silence …


Nothin' but blue skies . . .