Nothin' but blue skies . . .

It's Freya's day …

… and appropriately, today is the day that the Seneca Falls Convention began on this date in 1848, at Seneca Falls, New York. The assembly launched the woman suffrage movement in the United States. It took 70 years for the women's right to vote was finally won.

The French Impressionist best known for his paintings of ballet dancers, Edgar Degas was born 190 years ago on this day in 1834 Paris.

Nature and reality: Three Models: Dramatic, Mechanical, Organic. An excellent essay of clarification from Jeff Krasno at his blog on Commune.

Gesturing Toward the Miraculous

I won't settle for heavens, justice, and a metaphysics of arrivals and final utopias...Some haunting tune, vast and sprawling, round, foreboding, and bright, pressingly close, tells me there's more room - not in the distance, but in the intimate ordinary, in the overwhelm of the everyday. Don't you hear it too? – Bayo Akomolafe

Do birds dream of blue skies?


Blackbird Speaks.


Not just another day . . .