The timeless beauty of news fit to print

It's Odin's day . . . and typical of Okieland this time of year, heat indices continue to rise until the Fall Equinox passes late Sunday night.

Yesterday was “National Voter Registration Day.” Join the crowd: 1. Register if you haven't done so; 2) check to make sure your registration is up to date; and 3) clear your calendar for Tuesday, November 5th for what could be a record turnout.

Recalling yesterday's 271st anniversary of the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, Heather Cox Richardson posted a reminder of its near miraculous nature, on her blog Letters from An American.

Speaking of anniversaries:

173 years ago today (1851) the first edition of The New York Times was published.

The French physicist Léon Foucault was born on this date in 1819, Paris.

And it's Greta Garbo's birth date. The Swedish/American actress was born in 1905, Stockholm.

Before Songs

Before songs became notions Dionysus sang

and danced the trees into bloom, spread

flowers like seeds, disrupting city committees

and with the slightest glance created havoc with such beauty

the young and the very old fell immediately in love.

Before songs became notions

there was never a time when there was

no music.



Harvesting the leftovers of Pax Romana