Harvesting the leftovers of Pax Romana

It's a Tiw's day . . . The Harvest full moon rises in Pisces tonight and it promises to be a bit of a celestial event. The “harvest” moon, also called the “hunter” moon will be a supermoon and include a partial lunar eclipse. Assuming clear skies – forecasts use the term “partly” to describe this evening’s clouds – the show begins in TulseyTown shortly after 7:30 this evening. The partial eclipse won't be particularly spectacular. The earth's shadow will “eat” – an astronomical term of my own invention – dimming a small part of the moon starting about 8:15 kind of like pac-man, and last about an hour, just in time for peak fullness at around 9:30.

On this day in 1787, delegates at the final meeting of the Constitutional Convention formally signed and created the United States Constitution, establishing the supreme law of the land. Arguably, the document launched the most revolutionary democracy since the ancient Greek civilization.

Birthday’s today:

The poet William Carlos Williams was born on this day in 1883 Rutherford, New Jersey.

Today in 1923, Hank Williams was born in Mount Olive, Alabama.

And, one of the heroes of the countercultural revolution of the 1960s, Ken Kesey, was born in 1935 La Junta, Colorado.

Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. – Brené Brown

A year ago this month in Greenland, the entire earth vibrated.

No more Pax Romana. – Fr. Richard Rohr, writing in Meditations at the CAC.

A vote is not a valentine, you aren't confessing your love for a candidate. It's a chess move for the world you want to live in. – Rebecca Solnit 


The timeless beauty of news fit to print


Sailing toward peace . . .