A zoo, full.

It's Freya's day . . . here in TulseyTown we are getting a preview-of-coming-Summer-attractions . . .

If you can, show them the better way. If you cannot, remember that this is why you have the gift of kindness. – Marcus Aurelius

In case you missed these calls to attention:

The Real Crisis in Humanities Isn't Happening at College – Ted Gioia in his Honest Broker blog.

Mainstream culture is changing at warp speed. The post-entertainment society is neither pretty nor healthy.

And a letter from a high-school student in response to Gioia.

Laughter is a word that just looks weird written

Allow me merely to confirm: our species

is the most curious, contradictory, and

downright laughable in the zoo.

Taking any of them, including oneself,

not to exclude myself, seriously,

sustains my hypothesis.

– jab


The gambler thinks of the eclipse . . .


No moss gatherin' on this rollin' stone . . .