The gambler thinks of the eclipse . . .

It's a Satyr's day … Summertime previews continue here in Okieland with strong 40+ mph Southerlies, possible thunderstorms and a near 80º afternoon.

The sound of the rain needs no translation. – Alan Watts

What was your “original face?” The one before it became tethered to conditions or yoked to this or that.

Today, I noticed I was noticing . . .

Sabine Hossenfelder's dream died, not all that differently from my own: Academics aren't so much about learning but making money. So, she went on YouTube … I'm still thinking about it ...

Montecarlo University

Rules for self-actualization written as prescriptions

In organizational survival manuals

are like those for Russian roulette:

One of six of us is likely to be dispatched

with each turn of the academic cylinder.

– jab

When it’s nine o’clock on a Satyr’s day . . .


Turning tables with the moon . . .


A zoo, full.