Living up to her name . . .

It's Odin's day … opening the Way's mailbox on another blustery-cold-Northwesterly-windy-Spring day . . .

A 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of Taiwan this morning – the strongest to hit Taiwan in 25 years triggered tsunami warnings as far as Japan and the Philippines. The toll of deaths and injured is still underway.

… celebrating the day nonetheless . . . today is the 90th birthday of Jane Goodall. born 1934, London, England, her discovery in 1960 that chimpanzees make and use tools is considered one of the greatest achievements of twentieth-century scholarship.

Exodus 15:21

Here I am left on the fringes.

… Nothing is the mother

I bring close to my milkless bosom.

Here, I sing to the Lord America’s

requiem. Here, I hold her close as if

we were no longer the parted sea. – Miguel Barretto Garcia, from “Poets Respond,” in Rattle, March 31, 2014


No moss gatherin' on this rollin' stone . . .


Rule Breaking 101 . .