Rule Breaking 101 . .

It's Tews' day … with cold Northerlies across TulseyTown after a tornadic night in Okieland …

We have sufficient visual capacity not to be fooled by transparent glass or plastic walls, but we are extremely prone to the belief that nothing exists in this world save that which we ourselves see. How obtuse! The natural environment in which we live contains an infinitude of objects that our eyes cannot see. – Masahiro Mori

Camille Paglia turns 77 today, as does Emmy-Lou Harris. Ms. Paglia was born in 1947, Endicott, New York , while Emmy-Lou was welcomed to 1947 Birmingham, Alabama.

Marianne Williamson may be the most patriarchally marginalized voice in America, and, perhaps, among the most worthy of attention.

The Real Crisis in Humanities Isn't Happening at College.

They are playing a game. They are playing at not playing a game. If I show them I see they are, I shall break the rules and they will punish me. I must play their game, of not seeing I see the game.


The condition of alienation, of being asleep, of being unconscious, of being out of one’s mind, is the condition of the normal man. Society highly values its normal man. It educates children to lose themselves and to become absurd, and thus to be normal. Normal men have killed perhaps 100,000,000 of their fellow normal men in the last fifty years.


The mind of which we are unaware is aware of us. – R.D. Lang


Living up to her name . . .


No more foolin' around . . .