The crack: where the light gets in

It’s Tew’s day … Lots o’ cracks, lots o’ light ….

Presidents are Kings. Joyce Vance unpacks the latest disastrous SCOTUS ruling. If ever you or anyone you know needed a good reason for voting a straight democratic ticket this November... this is it.

July 2nd marks the day that the Second Continental Congress declared that the thirteen colonies were no longer subject to King George III? That’s right, July 2nd. Congress subsequently revised the wording of the Declaration, removing Jefferson's vigorous denunciation of the British monarch for importing the slave trade, and finally approved it two days later on July 4th. – Jeff Krasno

In other words: No Kings.

"None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody — a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony, or a few nuns — bent down and helped us pick up our boots." – Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, who was born 116 years ago on this day in 1908 Baltimore, Maryland.

The Japanese concept of wabi-sabi prizes and praises the soulful beauty found in the irregular, incomplete, and imperfect.

If we understand every action to be a cause that produces a result, there is no action that is too small. Every act should be considered a decision, and we should be conscientious as we decide whether to engage in an action or refrain from it. Never underestimate an action or disregard it because it seems insignificant. No action goes unaccounted for. – Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche

The Question: This that I am about to do, will it contribute to the wellbeing of all? The answer from “the beginner's mind” is most often “I don't know.” We must trust our intent that it will do so without justifying, rationalizing, or lying to ourself, remaining open to what consequences may come to us. Ego is a great trickster and can masterfully hide self-serving behind a mask that looks like knowing.

Asleep on the Shores of Naxos

There is no sickness worse than forgetting what we must never forget.

Where has our love gone / or did we leave ? /

How did we break the trust / or did it break us in our ignorance? /

We mourn separately / not knowing really why, /

making up stories about how, / remembering only when.

Our hearts healing in dreams.
— jab


Two x One = still only One


Baying at the Moon