Two x One = still only One

It's Odin's day …

Yesterday was the birth date of Wisława Szymborska. The Nobel Laureate poet was born in 1923 Prowent, Poland.

87 years ago yesterday, Amelia Earhart disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to become the first female pilot to circumnavigate the world

. . . The who, what, where, when and how tenets of journalism . . .

Anthony Davis is a multiple award winning independent journalist and broadcaster. He recently posted a reflection on WHY they gave Trump immunity. And WHO was behind the plan? An excellent deconstruction and worth the :15 minutes, IMO of course. Check out this brief intro from Davis, a Brit with a stake in democracy and independent journalism.

More excellent backlash to the SCOTUS immunity debacle … this one from one our besties: Heather Cox Richardson writing in her Letters from an American. BTW: Ms. Richardson has been featured by Mr. Davis (above).

Nothing Twice

Nothing can ever happen twice.
In consequence, the sorry fact is
that we arrive here improvised
and leave without the chance to practice.

Even if there is no one dumber,
if you're the planet's biggest dunce,
you can't repeat the class in summer:
this course is only offered once.

Why do we treat the fleeting day
with so much needless fear and sorrow?
It's in its nature not to stay:
Today is always gone tomorrow.

– Wislawa Szymborska, in Poems New and Collected: 1957-1997, Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998.


On the unknown road, who, more faithless?


The crack: where the light gets in