Golf pants and divine wrath...

It's the Satyr's day . . . with only the slightest chance for lightning as the day unfolds here in Okieland …

Have tea (metaphor: whatever) in the store when it seems full of misbehaving children – and what does this have to do with democracy? – Tara Brach

Compassion is not an idealized state. It is the profound realization that we are not separate from one another, and it requires the ability to feel another’s suffering. Like loving-kindness, it is fundamentally interactive and ultimately has no subject and no object. Loving-kindness and compassion are the perfume of interconnectedness, the fragrance of nonduality. – Joan Halifax

Lightning, divine wrath, and yellow golf-pants. – Garrison Keillor

Blessing for Different Sounds

even in that spacious music

we call silence

I am still waiting here

to decipher your ancient language,

– David Whyte, “Blessing for Different Sounds,” -from The Bell and the Blackbird, Many Rivers Press, 2018.


Doubting doubt . . .


Music, for many ears …