Doubting doubt . . .

It's Sol's day . . . and summer is holding on in Okieland . . .

We do not attain anything by our own holiness but by ten thousand surrenders to mercy. A lifetime of received forgiveness allows us to become mercy. Mercy becomes our energy, our meaning. Perhaps we are finally enlightened and free when we can both receive mercy and give it away—without payment or punishment. – Fr. Richard Rohr

The interaction of your thought with the physical world around you creates the changing physical world around you. Take responsibility for your thoughts — they are not coming to you but arising from within you.

More thinking about thinking: Breaking the thought chain.

Doubt has a place in life; doubt the negativity in yourself and the people around you. Then trust in our life grows naturally and trust is innocence. When there is trust, there is no fear in life. – Gurudev

And its the birthdates of three doubters who never managed to get completely free of negativity:

Agatha Christie was born in 1890 Torquay, Devon, England

The humorist, writer, critic, actor and film director, Robert Benchley, was born in 1889 Worcester, Massachusetts.

And film director Oliver Stone turns 78 today. He was born on this day in 1946 New York City.

“Seeing is believing” because these days we believe first, then see. There was a time when we saw without belief, then we were taught that things were supposed to make sense.


Sailing toward peace . . .


Golf pants and divine wrath...