Leaving the mind behind …

It's Thor's day . . . and “Sumer is icumen in ” to Okieland and lots of wheresoever elses with gifts from a New Moon for us and all cuckoo roadrunners.

It was on this day in 1944—the “D-Day” of World War II began.

From time to time a piece of jetsam catches my eye as being rather more (fill in the blank descriptor) worth posting under the heading :

In case you were wondering …

More buildings have been wrecked in Ukraine than if every building in Manhattan were leveled four times over.


Nonbinary identification, gender fluidity and transgenderism have been around for as long as we have existed. They are as normal and natural as homosexuality – another facet of humanity that has still not found equity in many parts of the world. – Chris Wheatley, in Psyche, 4 June 2024

Fittingly: today in 1998, Sex and the City premiered on HBO changing televised “rom-com” forever.

Not the sign of a healthy genre: Hollywood is now suffering at the box office, but you could have predicted it years ago, just based on its aging stars and franchises...the music industry faces the same problem...Even Rolling Stones eventually gather moss. – Ted Gioia

In order to come to your senses, you sometimes need to go out of your mind. – Alan Watts


The road not taken . . .


O Superman . . .