O Superman . . .

It's Odin's day . . . and the rains have ceased here in Okieland … at least for today . . . ankle-high lawns may get mowed.

Today is the 126th anniversary of Federico García Lorca's birth. The Spanish poet, playwright, and theater director was born on this day in 1898 Granada province, Spain.

Laurie Anderson turns 77 today. The always avant-garde artist, musician, film-maker was born in 1947 Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

John Maynard Keynes born 143 years ago today in 1883, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England

The 11 minute speech that changed the world 77 years ago today . . .

This last Saturday, top sports talk host Colin Cowherd pushed back on the idea that Trump's trial was rigged, telling his listeners: “If everybody in your circle is a felon, maybe it’s not rigged...nine of Trump's advisers/managers are felons...Judged by the 'company you keep,' it’s a cabal of convicts.” – check it out on Letters from an American, posted by Heather Cox Richardson.

The arts are often the first to go . . .

… but not always . . .

O Superman, the YouTube video, original release in 1981 by Laurie Anderson... and an explanation.


Leaving the mind behind …


Moving too fast to see anything . . .