Comprehending Christmas

It's Christmas day . . . A cold front moving across Okieland with chilly Northerlies, and heavy cloud cover.

December 25th

Who is this asleep in a straw-and-light-filled barn?

A child we yet cannot see.

Hope we would yet comprehend.

— jab

Every human being is sacred. Can you imagine how amazing it would be if humanity suddenly woke up and realized and treated each other accordingly? We would live in a very different world, a much more loving, peaceful, and joyful world. – Anam Thubten

So . . . this is Christmas.

What you do may seem insignificant, but it is very important you do it.” – Neem Karoli Baba

Don't wait 20 years to do what you want/need to do. Make a difference in whatever time you have. – Zac Efron

The last retrograde of the year continues to Jan. 1, 2024. To help with some of the shifting going on under the Mercurial umbrella:

There is no “outside”… The world is a part of our cellular makeup… we impact it with every tiny choice we make. – Jenn Shapland in Maria Popova's Margainalian 12.24.23.

A Momentary

There is an instant that must be

described as – for lack of

a better word – holy.

A moment of stillness brought

by an almost indistinct thunder

from lightning miles away

unseen. The near silent thunder

rolls away and with it

the past

while light arrives

from the future

into the present.

– jab


Mistaking stopping as a mistake


More, perhaps, than we think . . .