Standing in mid-stream

It's Odin's day … Northerlies and rain are in the forecasts for our Northeastern Okieland . . .

Anne Lamott turns 70 today. The “people's author” was born on this day in 1954 San Francisco, California. If you don't already know her, check out her most worthy TED presentation.

Ninety-nine years ago today, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby was published today in 1925 by Charles Scribner’s Sons.

[T]here is death, and there is commemoration of life, both happening at the same time. That is reality, and it is good to stand in the middle of the stream and live rather than stand on the bank and witness things from afar, to have both a sense of participation and also a sense of wise detachment because one knows the reality of things. – Amitava Kumar in Tricycle, March 4, 2024

The Way of the Way . . .

. . . cannot be told Lao Tszu told,

save by Yang's feeble grasping

attempt to comprehend

the incomprehensible Yin

of infinite Silence

mothering the ten-thousand things.

– jab


Stubborn optimism . . .


Historic confusion