Stubborn optimism . . .

It's Freya's day . . . and Okieland is getting a preview of Summer attractions …

“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming”- Pablo Neruda

Today is the 146th anniversary of the birth of Lionel Barrymore. One of the true theatrical greats, he was born in 1878 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Check out this visual list of his accomplishments.

Speaking of greats, the psychologist James Hillman was born 98 years ago today in 1926 Atlantic City, New Jersey

David Letterman turns 76 today. He was born today in 1947 Indianapolis, Indiana.

And, in 1981 Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in outer space.

​For the "stubborn optimist" facing the future.

The Ecuadorean moms selling candy bars in subway stations know more about real life than Garrison Keillor or I or maybe even you.

The Haiku Way

The rain in Spain falls

wherever it damned well must.

The Way is all ways.

– jab 4.10.24


Unforgettable . . .


Standing in mid-stream