We are verbs, not nouns . . .

It's Thor's day . . . the short walk to the mailbox revealed the day ahead as one with sun, wind, but no thunder.

Contrary to a few opinions, Garrison Keillor was not raised entirely by a pack of Coyotes.

So, how long have humans been around . . .

So, how about humans and our other animal relatives? Mirabai Starr recently posted a reflection on the spiritual nature of that relationship.

So, finally, what does Ithaca really mean?

Considering life in terms of verbs instead of nouns is an enormous part of the letting go process.

The author of Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, was born today in 1860 Krriemuir, Angus, Scotland.

Billy Joel turns 75 today. The singer,songwriter, pianist, recording artist was born in 1949,Bronx, New York. The "Piano Man" has sold over 160 million records worldwide and won five Grammy Awards (so far) among a long list of accolades.

And, FYI, yesterday afternoon, I had a delightful chat with my soon to be publisher (Gloria) at Cervena Barva Press. “Unless Rain” is still on their to-be-launched-date-pending-but-'really'-soon, to-do list. Stay tuned, while I continue with my mindful breathing.

Second Wind

You probably don’t want to hear advice from someone else
But I wouldn’t be telling you if I hadn’t been there myself
It’s alright, it’s alright
Sometimes that’s all it takes
We’re only human
We’re supposed to make mistakes
But I survived all those long lonely days
When it seemed I did not have a friend
Cause all I needed was a little faith
So I could catch my breath and face the world again
Don’t forget your second wind
Sooner or later you’ll feel that momentum kick in.

— Billy Joel


In Vain a Flying Chirp . . .


Art in the dark . . .