Searching for the Gold Heart of the Tao

Another beautiful Fall day is at hand here in TulseyTown on this Sol's day …

Today, celebrating Neil Young's birthday. The Canadian singer-songwriter was born on this day in 1945 Toronto.

For humans to make sense to ourselves, I think we’re going to have to rediscover our kinship with the reptiles—and the fish, insects, birds, mammals, and palo santo trees—with which we share the world. —Brian McLaren

“Tao as 'Tao' is not Tao.” – Lao Tzu in The Tao Te Ching.

[H]istory does not progress toward some teleological terminus . . .The elusive Way unfolding across contingent time not only rejects the imposition of a direction onto history but also negates the existence of any specific, law-like forces underpinning the apparent cyclic patterns of historical events. – Dingxin Zhao writing in Noema.

Gratitude begins in our hearts and then dovetails into behavior…. We mysteriously find ourselves willing to pick up litter in the street, or let others go first in traffic. – Anne Lamott writing in Gratitude on the Move.

I've been a miner for a heart of gold.
It's these expressions I never give
that keep me searching for a heart of gold
– and I'm getting old.

– Neil Young, “Heart of Gold,” from the album Harvest.


Wisdom is a verb


Dionysus probably played with cats . . .