“Surreal” means real . . . really.

It's a Satyr's day . . . and solar flares are taking aim at the mailbox here in TulseyTown.

A series of the strongest solar storms in 20 years are creating aurora's as far south as Texas and potentially disrupt communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations. The solar flares are expected to continue throughout the weekend. The weather forecasts for Okieland indicate night time clear sky viewing conditions. DO NOT try looking at the sun without those eclipse glasses you surely saved from last month.

As surreal as the solar flares, today just happens to be the birth date of surrealist painter Salvador Dalí. He was born on this day in 1904, Figueras, Spain.

It’s Time to Treat Sugar Like Cigarettes – Mark Hyman, M.D. in Time Magazine, May 1, 2024.

The double-edged sword of AI companions... Randy Travis and post-stroke AI construction of new songs …

In case you missed it … The U.S. Air Force is flying F-16's with AI … and no its not a conspiracy theory.

“Jus' sayin” – Assuming Trump won't be able to keep his mouth shut, it won't do to put him behind bars with his cell phone. And it needs be that he's placed in a real jail. And over a weekend at minimum.


The last time
I traded reality
For the Truth

I looked at the road in front of me
And realized it was yesterday.

– jb (Early Saturday morning, 1 June 2007)


Her kind, dreams . . .


In Vain a Flying Chirp . . .