Gobsmacked by a Frost

It's Sol's day . . . patiently waiting for the heat season to wind down . . .

Four be the things I'd been better without:

Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt. – Dorothy Parker.

Today in 1944, Paris was liberated from four years of Nazi occupation.

Garrison recalls Robert Frost and the Democratic National Convention just ended. As a newly mented highschool senior (Will Rogers High School, Tulsa, class of 1960), I met Frost at an academic summer camp, just about this time of year, at Northwestern University in 1959 . . . equally gobsmacking.

Are there unbridgeable gulfs in thinking and perception between groups of people speaking different languages? – James McElvenny, in Aeon, “Our Language, Our World,” 8.23.24.

How Would You Live Then?

What if a mockingbird

came into the house with you

and became your advisor?

What if you finally saw

that sunflowers were

more precious, more meaningful

than gold?

– Mary Oliver, “How Would You Live Then?” in Blue Iris, Beacon Press, 2006.

For some unbelievable reason, contrary to logic and common sense, everything belongs. --Richard Rohr


Paradox: An Invitation


Hope's wings . . .