Noisy Strawberries

It's Thor's day . . . Summertime and a full Strawberry Moon is set to coincide with the Summer Solstice. And farther North, its the first day of the Midnight Sun.

Back from a few days away from TulseyTown to the 4 corners of OK, Ark, Mizzu and JayHawk country. Visited long time friend and colleague living in the lap of Pittsburg, Kansas. Made new acquaintances who likely will become friends as time unfolds. I read and shared poetry, ate sumptuosly. talked shared philosophies. I worked with my hosts as a “go-fer” on a shed building project (and managed to scrape my right elbow in a minor fall due to a faulted step). Pittsburg, Kansas is growing into a progressive community. A university in a small town can do that.

401 years ago yesterday, mathematician, physicist, and theologian Blaise Pascal was born in 1623 Clermont-Ferrand, France

Eighteen-year-old Alexandrina Victoria became Queen of England on this date in 1837

Playwright Lillian Hellman, “A "tough broad ... the kind who can take the tops off bottles with her teeth..." was born on this day in 1905 New Orleans.

Yesterday was Juneteeth and the day the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law by the United States Senate.

People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive. – Pascal, On the Art of Persuasion, 1658.

A blindfold can indeed obscure your sight, but cannot make The Way itself grow dark.


Contemplating clarity . . .

