Celebrating the “givens.”

It's the Moon's day … Strong southerlies continue to push Spring into Okieland . . .


In 1789 A landmark document of the Western world, the U.S. Constitution went into effect as the governing law of the United States.

And in 1933, in the midst of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as the 32nd U.S. president.

Jus' Sayin'

The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it. – Billy Graham, in an interview in Parade Magazine, 1981. Franklin Graham has betrayed his father's legacy.

The Trumpocene is a time of collective confusion, disorientation, and shared pathology. . .He is now declaring himself as “Christian” and comparing himself with Jesus. Christians are aware of Biblical cautions to beware of false prophets, but political zealots could care less. — Chauncy Devega writing in Salon online 03/02/2024.

Glimpse into post-entertainment society . . .

Then, celebrate the “givens” of the day. – Richard Rohr


Mama don't let your babies grow up / to be cowboys. Make 'em be doctors / and lawyers and such – Willie Nelson

Well, I've been one of them “suches.” / Read way too much 'til I realized /

Willie, the Boss, Bob Marley, and Dylan / were among the great philosophers. /

Now, wearing jeans, / teaching without a tie, / with the whispers of Calliope /

I transcribed this poem for Hephaestus.

— jab


Are we there yet?


The Moon's Soul . . .