Questioning the questions . . .

It's Tew's day . . . and the Moon is new, encouraging clear skies over TulseyTown after the tornadic storms of last night.

It's the birth date of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1840, Votkinsk, Russia. Romantic that I am, he's my fave and go-to.

Changing Russia's ugly transformation . . .

Australian novelist Peter Carey (Oscar and Lucinda, among several) turns 81 today. He was born in the little town of Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, in 1943.

Today is the 212th anniversary of Robert Browning's birth. The Victorian poet and playwright was born on this date in 1812 Camberwell, England.

What, exactly, do we mean with the word “peaceful?” A good question posed by The Woke Scientist.

While we're asking questions... what's with conspiracy theories and the people who believe them?

Current environmental debates posits a crucial question with an logically obvious answer. A strong consensus of the sciences assert that endless material growth is impossible on a limited planet.

And, so, what's up with Social Security and Medicare?

Love Among the Ruins

For whole centuries of folly, noise and sin!

Shut them in,

With their triumphs and their glories and the rest!

Love is best.

– Robert Browning


Art in the dark . . .


The purple of perplexity . . .