In dark, always light

Under a New Moon, Freya's day is a cloudy and mild one here in TulseyTown . . .

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. – Martin Buber

Today is Amy Lowell's birth date in 1874. The trail-blazing and posthumously awarded Pulitzer Prize poet was born today in Brookline, Massachusetts.

In politics: Republicans have lost their minds … and their souls. – David Brooks, in The New York Times, 2.8.24.

Once upon a time, if you had a product you wanted to sell nation-wide, you had to hire thousands of people to go door-to-door in every town and hope for a one-in-a-thousand sale. Expensive? You bet. Sunday evening, for $7 million, you can get your product on television for :30 seconds. A bargain? You bet.

There is no time for anything but love. – Fr. Richard Rohr, writing in Meditations at The Center for Action and Meditation, 9 February 2024.

Let joy and beauty be your fuel for everything you do.

Always we are following a light,

Always the light recedes …

Distraught, but lighted ever onward,

we are brought upon our way

unknowing, in a dream.

– Amy Lowell, Lamp of Light, in the public domain.


Mysteries of a Winter Wind


Vision Questing