Vote for a blue sky . . .

It's a Moon day . . . with a new one now waxing with thunderstorms headed for TulseyTown this afternoon.

. . . pushing anyone away creates a wall that barricades a small, separate self from others, from the world, from inner freedom. – Tara Brach

Some people are expressing concern that voting won’t matter this November, people saying on social media and in conversations in person that Trump will steal the election or that the courts will. If you’re starting to think this way, Joyce Vance wants you to stop right now.

The Western capitalist mythos of “self-fulfillment” is the root of the artificial and often violent erasure of our interconnectedness and a fundamental logical flaw. – Wendell Berry.

Project 2025 and its document is fast becoming about as popular as Ebola. Toward the end of last week, Joyce Vance posted, as promised, an essay regarding Project 2025. Trump, whose policy outlines are like Xerox copies from the Project 2025 playbook, is just now getting to realize how toxic his association with it has become. – Joyce Vance, Civil Discourse, 5 July 2025.

Polls don't vote. People do. I'm a people. You're a people. Vote, people.

Do birds dream of blue skies?


Smoke and mirrors


Inquiring minds sometime freak out